Contrary to popular opinion which is usually based on morality and religion, it is in fact extremely important to talk about abortions in schools. Abortion is a significant part of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). However, in a social environment where sexuality education itself is missing, comprehensive sexuality education is still a dream. It is almost as if people are hoping that abortions will stop happening if they don’t address them. But that is hardly ever the case with anything. Moreover, schools are the best places to bridge the information gap when it comes to adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights. It is important for young people to understand their choices, rights and responsibilities and providing that information to them is probably one of the main responsibilities of the education system. Not only is it important that they know of their rights but also that these rights exist because abortion is a safe, legal and legitimate procedure and that opting for it is not morally or ethically a corrupt decision. Young people should know that abortion does not mean ‘killing a child’. Abortion is in fact a safe, responsible and efficient response to an unintended pregnancy

Therefore, it is important that they learn about laws and basic medical procedural information on abortions. Safe abortions and unsafe abortions should also be talked about. If we continue stigmatising abortion by denying its existence, then it is more plausible for adolescents and even adults to opt for unsafe abortion methods. Abortions need to be normalised. People go through unimaginable mental trauma because of standards of social and moral chastity but teaching young adults that abortions are normal is imperative if we want them to be accurately informed. 

We imagine a world where just the fact that one does not want a child is reason enough for them to be able to access safe abortion without any judgement. Until then however, we strive to make abortion education as widely available as possible. Look at some of our CSE curriculums that we created here