About Us
The YP Foundation (TYPF) is a youth development organisation that facilitates young people’s feminist and rights-based leadership on issues of health equity, gender justice, sexuality rights, and inclusive education.
TYPF ensures that young people have the information, capacity, and opportunities to inform and lead the development and implementation of programmes and policies that impact their lives and are recognised as skilled and aware leaders of social change.
Our work on safe abortions in India
At TYPF, we work to ensure that young people’s human rights are realised. We believe that to address this, young people must be empowered themselves. To empower young people, we increase their access to information and services, focusing on helping them understand and realise their rights. We work with young people to help them create programmes, advocate for and understand those rights.
Open Online Course
Training young people across India (especially Assam and Kerala) on basics of abortion rights and advocacy through open online courses in English, Malayalam and Assamese. These will increase young people’s knowledge about the basics of abortion, the laws around abortion in India, access to abortion services within the health systems in India, and the framework of abortion stigma. These courses will be delivered using a rights-based, intersectional and youth-friendly approach that will enable the creation of a stigma-free environment to discuss abortion rights thereby creating a more comprehensive understanding of abortion discourse beyond the mainland of India.
Research is being conducted to explore perceptions around abortion among two marginalised communities of India—tea plantation workers of Jorhat district in Assam, and traditional fisher-folk community of Karimkulam Grama Panchayath, Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala. Questions like how do stakeholders perceive the knowledge/awareness of the community regarding the legality, acceptability, availability, safety and consequences of induced abortions; what are some major sources of information for the community members, especially young women, regarding these aspects; what are the major barriers, experienced by women, especially young women, from the community in accessing induced abortion services; and how do the stakeholders perceive the stigma around abortion and how does it operate in the communities will be explored in the study.
Due to societal norms, preconceived notions, and ambiguous government messaging around abortion in India, many young people do not have access to stigma-free and rights-affirming information on abortion. There are no safe spaces for young people to discuss their thoughts around abortion, and this lack of knowledge also severely impacts their access to safe abortion services and comprehensive abortion care. To tackle this, we are creating a platform for young people in India to highlight narratives from vulnerable communities (especially in Assam and Kerala) and advocate for safe abortions through a fellowship.
Creating and collating resources
We have offered a fellowship to 9 young people which will enable them to expand the narrative around abortion stigma, how it manifests, and how it can be tackled. Each fellow will have a specific focus (media representation, community-based advocacy, awareness creation) and will work towards exploring a certain key piece in the larger context of how abortion is or isn’t spoken about, and how it can be talked about through a rights-based approach. Through this fellowship, we will be able to understand through a young person’s lens the points of information that matter the most when it comes to mitigating abortion stigma. Resources that come out of this fellowship will also be added to the resource hub for more young people to see and benefit from.
Social media campaigning
In order to explore abortion myths and dispel them, we need to understand the narratives around abortion access in different contexts so that we are able to adopt efficient strategies for enabling safe conversations around abortion. For this, we run online campaigns to provide unbiased and non-judgemental information on abortion to young people. Through our social media platforms, we are continuously engaging with young people on abortion. This is being done by sharing experiences on where people first heard about abortion and what shaped their views on it, thought pieces on abortion as a right, unbiased and youth-friendly information on abortion, and updates on the current laws on abortion - including the changes being made to it.